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Russia, China against sports politicization, discrimination based on national affiliation

The 2024 Summer Olympic Games will be hosted by the French capital of Paris between July 26 and August 11

BEIJING, May 16. /TASS/. Russia and China stand together against the politicization of sports and the discriminatory treatment of athletes based on national affiliation, hoping that the global community joins them in this stance, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China said in a joint statement.

"Both sides oppose the politicization of sport and its use as a tool to discriminate against athletes on the grounds of nationality, language, religion, political and other beliefs, racial or social origin," the statement reads.

The document also states that Moscow and Beijing "will keep encouraging the world community to promote equal international sports interaction that meets the spirit and principles of Olympism."

The 2024 Summer Olympic Games will be hosted by the French capital of Paris between July 26 and August 11.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Xi, Putin said Russia was anticipating that Chinese athletes would take part in the international tournaments organized by the country this year.

"We look forward to seeing athletes from China at Russia’s major sports tournaments in 2024, such as the BRICS Games, the Children of Asia Summer Games and the World Friendship Games," Putin said following a document-signing ceremony during his state visit to China.


2024 BRICS Games


The 2024 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Games will be held in Kazan on June 12-23 and will feature events in 20 different sports.

In mid-May 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to submit proposals for organizing and holding the 2024 BRICS Games in Russia.


2024 World Friendship Games


Moscow and Yekaterinburg in Russia’s Urals region are slated to co-host the 2024 World Friendship Games on September 15-29.

In December 2023, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) cautioned National Olympic Committees (NOCs) against participating in the World Friendship Games in Russia in 2024, as this would violate the global Olympic body’s recommendations.

Last November, WADA chief Banka warned that certain sanctions could be in place against international athletes willing to participate in the 2024 World Friendship Games. He said in particular that: "The possible participation in those competitions of those who are parties to the WADA Code, may have certain consequences.".